Benz Pass
Benz Pass is a narrow pass between the cliffs of Drenta Bluff
Drenta Bluff
Drenta Bluff is the ice-covered bluff of elevation 1076 m forming the south extremity of Louis-Philippe Plateau on Trinity Peninsula in Graham Land, Antarctica...

 in the south extremity of Louis Philippe Plateau
Louis Philippe Plateau
Louis Philippe Plateau is a plateau, about 11 nautical miles long and 5 nautical miles wide, which rises to 1,370 m and occupies the central part of Trinity Peninsula between Russell West Glacier and Windy Gap...

 and Gigen Peak
Gigen Peak
Gigen Peak is the summit of Erul Heights on Trinity Peninsula, Antarctic Peninsula, rising to 1092 m on the south side of Benz Pass, and surmounting Russell East Glacier to the west and south, and Cugnot Ice Piedmont to the east....

 in the northwest part of Erul Heights
Erul Heights
Erul Heights are the heights rising to 1092 m on Trinity Peninsula in Graham Land, Antarctica. They are bounded by Russell East Glacier to the south and Cugnot Ice Piedmont to the north, extending 8 km from Benz Pass in east-southeast direction towards Smokinya Cove, and surmounting Prince...

, situated 2 miles (3 km) northeast of the head of Russell East Glacier
Russell East Glacier
Russell East Glacier is a glacier, 6 nautical miles long and 3 nautical miles wide, which lies at the north end of Detroit Plateau and flows from Mount Canicula eastward into Prince Gustav Channel on the south side of Trinity Peninsula...

, Trinity Peninsula
Trinity Peninsula
Trinity Peninsula is the extreme northern portion of the Antarctic Peninsula, extending northeastward for about from a line connecting Cape Kjellman and Cape Longing. Dating back more than a century, chartmakers used various names for this portion of the Antarctic peninsula, each name having some...

. It was mapped from surveys by the Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey (1960–61), and named by the UK Antarctic Place-Names Committee
UK Antarctic Place-Names Committee
The UK Antarctic Place-Names Committee is a United Kingdom government committee, part of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, responsible for recommending names of geographical locations within the British Antarctic Territory and the South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands...

 for Karl Benz
Karl Benz
Karl Friedrich Benz, was a German engine designer and car engineer, generally regarded as the inventor of the gasoline-powered car, and together with Bertha Benz pioneering founder of the automobile manufacturer Mercedes-Benz...

, German engineer who constructed the first practical gasoline motor car, in 1885.


  • Trinity Peninsula. Scale 1:250000 topographic map. Institut für Angewandte Geodäsie and British Antarctic Survey, 1996.
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