Ben Player
Ben Player is an Australian bodyboarder
Bodyboarding is a surface water sport . The average board consists of a small, rectangular piece of hydrodynamic foam, sometimes containing a ridged spine called a 'stringer'...

 who was world champion in 2005 and 2007. His 2007 victory came after placing second (narrowly being defeated by Damian King
Damian King
Damian King is an Australian professional bodyboarder. He was World Bodyboarding Champion twice, in 2003 and 2004.-Biography:Damian grew up in Port Macquarie, New South Wales, which is world renowned in bodyboarding culture for the level of talent and number of bodyboarders it has produced...

) in the 2006 Pipeline final. He has finished #2 overall on the World Bodyboarding Tour several times. Ben now also helps run Movement Bodyboarding Magazine.

External links

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