Battleground Telangana: Chronicle of an Agitation
Battleground Telangana: Chronicle of an Agitation is a book written by a senior journalist resident editor of Times of India, Kingshuk Nag on the Telangana movement
Telangana movement
The Telangana movement refers to a group of related political activities organized to support the creation of a new state of Telangana, from the existing state of Andhra Pradesh in South India...

 in and before formation of Andhra Pradesh
Andhra Pradesh
Andhra Pradesh , is one of the 28 states of India, situated on the southeastern coast of India. It is India's fourth largest state by area and fifth largest by population. Its capital and largest city by population is Hyderabad.The total GDP of Andhra Pradesh is $100 billion and is ranked third...

 state. It was released in July 2011.


The book traces back the history of the region and explains the cultural backgrounds of Telangana and Andhra regions. The book gives a detailed picture of Telangana region. He discusses its past during the Golden rule of the Nizams of Hyderabad, its unfortunate people's fight for basic needs. Andhra region under the British rule and state of Madras Presidency
Madras Presidency
The Madras Presidency , officially the Presidency of Fort St. George and also known as Madras Province, was an administrative subdivision of British India...


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