Battle of Mount Song
The Battle of Mount Song (松山战役) in 1944 was the largest campaign in southwestern China during the Second World War. Chinese aimed to retake control over the Burma Road
Burma Road
The Burma Road is a road linking Burma with the southwest of China. Its terminals are Kunming, Yunnan, and Lashio, Burma. When it was built, Burma was a British colony.The road is long and runs through rough mountain country...

. Japan were losing the war in Burma and aimed to block off the highway for as long as they could. They used slave labor from Thailand and Burma to construct a series of tunnels to turn the mountain into a fortress. The Chinese forces were unaware of the depth of the Japanese defense, and their underestimation led to heavy casualties. Chinese artilleries and US bombing runs had little effect against Japanese forces underground. Japan also set up a series of hidden pillbox
Pillbox may refer to:* A pill organizer* Pillbox hat* Military term for a type of bunker* For military pillboxes in the UK, see: British hardened field defences of World War II...

es to ambush the Chinese forces. After three months of bloody battle, the Chinese forces finally retook Mount Song and the Burma Road could be used once again.

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