BBCH-scale (cereals)
In biology, the BBCH-scale for cereals describes the phenological
Phenology is the study of periodic plant and animal life cycle events and how these are influenced by seasonal and interannual variations in climate...

 development of cereal
Cereals are grasses cultivated for the edible components of their grain , composed of the endosperm, germ, and bran...

s using the BBCH-scale
The BBCH-scale is a scale used to identify the phenological development stages of a plant. A series of BBCH-scales have been developed for a range of crop species...


The phenological growth stages and BBCH-identification keys of cereals are:
Growth stageCodeDescription
0: Germination 00 Dry seed (caryopsis)
01 Beginning of seed imbibition
03 Seed imbibition complete
05 Radicle emerged from caryopsis
06 Radicle elongated, root hairs and/or side roots visible
07 Coleoptile emerged from caryopsis
09 Emergence: coleoptile penetrates soil surface (cracking stage)
1: Leaf development1, 2 10 First leaf through coleoptile
11 First leaf unfolded
12 2 leaves unfolded
13 3 leaves unfolded
1 . Stages continuous till . . .
19 9 or more leaves unfolded
2: Tillering3 20 No tillers
21 Beginning of tillering: first tiller detectable
22 2 tillers detectable
23 3 tillers detectable
2 . Stages continuous till . . .
29 End of tillering. Maximum no. of tillers detectable
3: Stem elongation 30 Beginning of stem elongation: pseudostem and tillers erect, first internode begins to elongate, top of inflorescence at least 1 cm above tillering node
31 First node at least 1 cm above tillering node
32 Node 2 at least 2 cm above node 1
33 Node 3 at least 2 cm above node 2
3 . Stages continuous till . . .
37 Flag leaf just visible, still rolled
39 Flag leaf stage: flag leaf fully unrolled, ligule just visible
4: Booting 41 Early boot stage: flag leaf sheath extending
43 Mid boot stage: flag leaf sheath just visibly swollen
45 Late boot stage: flag leaf sheath swollen
47 Flag leaf sheath opening
49 First awns visible (in awned forms only)
5: Inflorescence emergence, heading 51 Beginning of heading: tip of inflorescence emerged from sheath, first spikelet just visible
52 20% of inflorescence emerged
53 30% of inflorescence emerged
54 40% of inflorescence emerged
55 Middle of heading: half of inflorescence emerged
56 60% of inflorescence emerged
57 70% of inflorescence emerged
58 80% of inflorescence emerged
59 End of heading: inflorescence fully emerged
6: Flowering, anthesis 61 Beginning of flowering: first anthers visible
65 Full flowering: 50% of anthers mature
69 End of flowering: all spikelets have completed flowering but some dehydrated anthers may remain
7: Development of fruit 71 Watery ripe: first grains have reached half their final size
73 Early milk
75 Medium milk: grain content milky, grains reached final size,
still green
77 Late milk
8: Ripening 83 Early dough
85 Soft dough: grain content soft but dry. Fingernail impression not held
87 Hard dough: grain content solid. Fingernail impression held
89 Fully ripe: grain hard, difficult to divide with thumbnail
9: Senescence 92 Over-ripe: grain very hard, cannot be dented by thumbnail
93 Grains loosening in day-time
97 Plant dead and collapsing
99 Harvested product

1 A leaf is unfolded when its ligule is visible or the tip of the next leaf is visible

2 Tillering or stem elongation may occur earlier than stage 13; in this case continue

with stages 21
3 If stem elongation begins before the end of tillering continue with stage 30
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