AvaGlide is avatar-based title, developed by Haiku Interactive and published on the Xbox Live Indie Games
Xbox Live Indie Games
Xbox Live Indie Games are user created video games released on Microsoft's Xbox Live Marketplace for the Xbox 360. The games are developed using Microsoft XNA, and developed by one or more independent developers that are registered with App Hub...

 channel. It was released in 2010, and praised for its visuals and gameplay.


Three minigames include navigating the glider through rings to collect points and time bonuses, hitting targets with crates dropped while gliding, and a course to collect as many points as possible. Multiplayer functionality is enabled.

Graphics rendering

AvaGlide uses the Sunburn XNA Game Engine
SunBurn XNA Game Engine
SunBurn XNA Game Engine is an indie game engine that equips developers to create games, simulations, and visualizations. SunBurn’s complete feature se includes forward and deferred rendering, collisions, advanced materials, high dynamic range lighting , bloom, and the SunBurn editor.It can produce...

 (by Synapse Gaming
Synapse Gaming
Synapse Gaming is a Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania based video game engine developer. It is best known for lighting and rendering technology, integrated into the SunBurn XNA Game Engine and previously, Garage Games' Torque Lighting Kit....

) and a professional physics library, producing detailed textures and real-time shadows. The physics engine enables smooth gliding, complete with wind gusts and speed regulation that add dimension to the challenges.

External links

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