Aung Lwin
Aung Lwin is a Burmese actor
An actor is a person who acts in a dramatic production and who works in film, television, theatre, or radio in that capacity...

 and director. His parents are U Aung Kyaw Zan and Daw Kywe.

He made his film debut in 1957 and starred in the 2004 film Naug Ma Kja Kyay
Naug Ma Kja Kyay
Naug Ma Kja Kyay or Late is a 2004 Burmese musical drama film directed by Mg Myo Min .-Plot:It is about university student, Saw Oo, who is late everything. He is late for his lover, Khin Naun, so she married with other man...

. He also directed the Myanmar film Moe Goke Set Wyne Ko Kyaw Lun Yeuh (Beyond the Horizon).
When he acts as a director, he uses the name San Shwe Maung.


  • A twe 1962
  • Nor Kue: Ma 1974
  • Moe Goke Set Wyne Ko Kyaw Lun Yeuh (Beyond the Horizon) (Director)
  • Naug Ma Kja Kyay
    Naug Ma Kja Kyay
    Naug Ma Kja Kyay or Late is a 2004 Burmese musical drama film directed by Mg Myo Min .-Plot:It is about university student, Saw Oo, who is late everything. He is late for his lover, Khin Naun, so she married with other man...

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