Atanasio Ndongo Miyone
Atanasio Ndongo Miyone was an Equatoguinean musician, writer and "one of the leading educated nationalist figures of the late colonial period". He wrote the lyrics to Equatorial Guniea's national Anthem, Caminemos pisando las sendas de nuestra inmensa felicidad. He was killed in 1969 by the supporters of Francisco Macías Nguema
Francisco Macías Nguema
Francisco Macías Nguema was the first President of Equatorial Guinea, from 1968 until his overthrow in 1979.-Rise to power:...

, the first ruler of an independent Equatorial Guinea.

Equitorial Guinea's National Anthem

Atanasio Ndongo Miyone wrote the lyrics for Equatorial Guinea's National Anthem, Caminemos pisando las sendas de nuestra inmensa felicidad (Let Us Tread the Path of our Immense Happiness), in 1968. Contrary to common belief, he did not compose the music. The music was composed by Ramiro Sanchez Lopes, who was a Spanish Lieutenant and the deputy director of music at the army headquarters located in Madrid.

The lyrics of the anthem were influenced by the end of Equatorial Guinea's colonization, with anti-colonization being a main theme.

Themes asserted by Ndongo Miyone

Ndongo Miyone asserts the themes of freedom, joy and unity in the course of his composition's lyrics.

These optimistically expressed themes stand in marked contrast to some other Equatoguinean literature in Spanish
Equatoguinean literature in Spanish
Equatorial Guinea was the only Spanish colony in Sub-Saharan Africa. During its colonial history between 1778 and 1968, it developed a tradition of literature in Spanish, unique among the countries in Africa, that persists until the present day....

, such as the pessimistic reflections about the national situation by Juan Tomás Ávila Laurel
Juan Tomás Ávila Laurel
Juan Tomás Ávila Laurel is an Annobonese writer from Equatorial Guinea.-Background and early life:...


See also

  • Caminemos pisando la senda#Spanish text

  • Music of Equatorial Guinea
    Music of Equatorial Guinea
    Equatorial Guinea's culture has been more documented than most African countries, and commercial recording remains scarce. This is partially due to the country's small size and a population of only about 676,000...

  • Equatoguinean literature in Spanish
    Equatoguinean literature in Spanish
    Equatorial Guinea was the only Spanish colony in Sub-Saharan Africa. During its colonial history between 1778 and 1968, it developed a tradition of literature in Spanish, unique among the countries in Africa, that persists until the present day....

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