Artifice is a biannual nonprofit literary magazine founded in 2009 which showcases fiction
Fiction is the form of any narrative or informative work that deals, in part or in whole, with information or events that are not factual, but rather, imaginary—that is, invented by the author. Although fiction describes a major branch of literary work, it may also refer to theatrical,...

, non-fiction
Non-fiction is the form of any narrative, account, or other communicative work whose assertions and descriptions are understood to be fact...

 and poetry
Poetry is a form of literary art in which language is used for its aesthetic and evocative qualities in addition to, or in lieu of, its apparent meaning...

 that is "aware of its own artifice". The goal of the publication is to trace the postmodern literary movement
Postmodern literature
The term Postmodern literature is used to describe certain characteristics of post–World War II literature and a reaction against Enlightenment ideas implicit in Modernist literature.Postmodern literature, like postmodernism as a whole, is hard to define and there is little agreement on the exact...

 which originated in the 1960s and is influencing literary work today.

Artifice was awarded the Best Submission Guidelines 2010 by Philistine Press.

The magazine is a member of the Council of Literary Magazines and Small Presses.
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