Armenian line dance
The Armenian Line dance is an Armenia
Armenia , officially the Republic of Armenia , is a landlocked mountainous country in the Caucasus region of Eurasia...

n folk dance
Folk dance
The term folk dance describes dances that share some or all of the following attributes:*They are dances performed at social functions by people with little or no professional training, often to traditional music or music based on traditional music....

, danced at parties and other special occasions. It is performed by a group of people who join hands and do a specific step while walking counter-clockwise. Please note that this is just one variation of many different types of line dance. It is done with many different steps and in different styles.


The step is done two different ways. One is more elaborate than the other. Initially, while standing with feet side by side, step to the side with your right foot followed by stepping further with your left foot so that you are standing with your legs crossed. Then step right again with your right foot so that you are standing normally with your legs slightly apart.

Bring your left foot to you right foot so they are together and touching. Here is where the step can vary. The easier step is done with a little jump to the left with both feet together so that you are facing slightly to the left and bend at your knees slightly. Jump back to the position before the jump and you repeat the jump. The dance then starts over.

The more complex step is done with the same jump. Instead of returning the prior position, quickly kick the legs (right then left) while still facing to the left and then bend at the knee again. Repeat the entire dance again.

While following the steps you should slightly bounce with the music.

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