Argus Monitor is a software for monitoring temperatures and status of serveal system components, e.g. CPU temperature, GPU temperature and HDD temperature. All temperatures are displayed numerically as well as graphically. Additionally, the status of the hard disk drive will be monitored by constantly checking the so called critical SMART attributes. If one attribute decreases, the user is displayed an information (optionally), informing him of decreased HDD health. If one of the SMART attributes reaches its specified threshold, the user gets a warning that a hardware failure is imminent.

Currently, Argus Monitor supports hard disk drives attached to SATA
Serial ATA
Serial ATA is a computer bus interface for connecting host bus adapters to mass storage devices such as hard disk drives and optical drives...

, (P)ATA, eSATA ports and is also one of the very few programs that is able to read S.M.A.R.T. information off of disk drives attached using USB external drive enclosures. Furthermore Argus Monitor is also able to access individual hard drives that are part of a RAID
RAID is a storage technology that combines multiple disk drive components into a logical unit...


Argus Monitor also measures the CPU core frequency—and graphs it separately for each core --, making it possible to verify if the energy management is underclocking the CPU cores if they are in idle state or the new "Turbo Boost" mode of Intel i5/i7 processors is working correctly.

External links

  • Official site
  • Study by Google regarding the possibility to predict HDD failures by monitoring SMART attributes
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