Approximate number system
The approximate number system (ANS) is a hypothetical physiological basis for the intuitive "number sense
Number sense
In mathematics education, number sense can refer to "an intuitive understanding of numbers, their magnitude, relationships, and how they are affected by operations." Many other definitions exist, but are similar to the one given...

". As its name suggests, it only provides an approximate sense of number, and is not an accurate symbolic computation
Symbolic computation
Symbolic computation or algebraic computation, relates to the use of machines, such as computers, to manipulate mathematical equations and expressions in symbolic form, as opposed to manipulating the approximations of specific numerical quantities represented by those symbols...

 system. There is some evidence that the ANS is capable of simple operations such as addition and is also present in non-human animals.

Some research results suggest that the functioning of the human ANS may involve the intraparietal sulcus
Intraparietal sulcus
The intraparietal sulcus is located on the lateral surface of the parietal lobe, and consists of an oblique and a horizontal portion. The IPS contains a series of functionally distinct subregions that have been intensively investigated using both single cell neurophysiology in primates and human...

 of the brain. Children with developmental dyscalculia
Dyscalculia is a specific learning disability involving innate difficulty in learning or comprehending simple arithmetic. It is akin to dyslexia and includes difficulty in understanding numbers, learning how to manipulate numbers, learning maths facts, and a number of other related symptoms...

 were found to have less gray matter
Gray Matter
"Gray Matter" is a short story by Stephen King, first published in the October 1973 issue of Cavalier magazine, and later collected in King's 1978 collection Night Shift. It is set in the same area as King's novel Dreamcatcher.-Setting:...

in the left intraparietal sulcus.
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