Aphagia is the inability or refusal to swallow
Swallowing, known scientifically as deglutition, is the process in the human or animal body that makes something pass from the mouth, to the pharynx, and into the esophagus, while shutting the epiglottis. If this fails and the object goes through the trachea, then choking or pulmonary aspiration...

. The word is derived from the Greek root a meaning "not" or "without" and phagia meaning "to eat." It is related to dysphagia
Dysphagia is the medical term for the symptom of difficulty in swallowing. Although classified under "symptoms and signs" in ICD-10, the term is sometimes used as a condition in its own right. Sufferers are sometimes unaware of their dysphagia....

, which is difficulty swallowing, and odynophagia
Odynophagia is painful swallowing, in the mouth or esophagus. It can occur with or without dysphagia, or difficult swallowing....

, painful swallowing.
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