Angelo Franzin State School
Angelo Franzin State School is a public high school
High school
High school is a term used in parts of the English speaking world to describe institutions which provide all or part of secondary education. The term is often incorporated into the name of such institutions....

 located in Águas de São Pedro
Águas de São Pedro
-Demographics:As of the 2000 Brazilian Census, Águas de São Pedro had a population of 1,883. From that total, 1,639 inhabitants are White , 230 are Pardo , 7 are Black , 6 are Asian , and 2 people did not declare their race or ethnic group.Three hundred and five people in the city declared...

, São Paulo
São Paulo (state)
São Paulo is a state in Brazil. It is the major industrial and economic powerhouse of the Brazilian economy. Named after Saint Paul, São Paulo has the largest population, industrial complex, and economic production in the country. It is the richest state in Brazil...

, Brazil
Brazil , officially the Federative Republic of Brazil , is the largest country in South America. It is the world's fifth largest country, both by geographical area and by population with over 192 million people...

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