André Obami Itou
André Obami Itou is a Congolese
Republic of the Congo
The Republic of the Congo , sometimes known locally as Congo-Brazzaville, is a state in Central Africa. It is bordered by Gabon, Cameroon, the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of the Congo , the Angolan exclave province of Cabinda, and the Gulf of Guinea.The region was dominated by...

 politician. He has been a leading figure in the Congolese Labour Party (PCT) since the 1970s, and he has been the President of the Senate of Congo-Brazzaville
Senate of the Republic of the Congo
The Parliament of the Republic of Congo has two chambers. The Senate is the upper house. It has 72 members , elected for a six year term by district, local and regional councils. Prior to the 2008 Senate election, it had 66 members; it was expanded to 72 members at that time to account for the...

 since 2007.

Political career

Obami Itou was born at Epouélé, Gamboma
Gamboma is a town located in the Plateaux Region of the Republic of the Congo....

, located in Plateaux Region. He was a founding member of the PCT in December 1969, and he was first councillor at the Congolese embassy in Algeria
Algeria , officially the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria , also formally referred to as the Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria, is a country in the Maghreb region of Northwest Africa with Algiers as its capital.In terms of land area, it is the largest country in Africa and the Arab...

 from 1969 to 1971. He became government commissioner, or prefect, of Bouenza Region
Bouenza Region
Bouenza is a department of the Republic of the Congo in the southern part of the country. It borders the departments of Lékoumou, Niari, and Pool, and internationally, the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The regional capital is Madingou...

 in 1971, and he joined the PCT Central Committee in 1972; he remained on the Central Committee throughout the PCT's single-party rule. He was the Director-General of the Kinsoundi textile factory from 1973 to 1974, an ambassador from 1975 to 1976, and Director-General of the national oil refinery from 1976 to 1978. In 1979, he briefly served as Mayor of Brazzaville
-Transport:The city is home to Maya-Maya Airport and a railway station on the Congo-Ocean Railway. It is also an important river port, with ferries sailing to Kinshasa and to Bangui via Impfondo...

, the capital; subsequently he was political commissioner of the Pool Region
Pool Region
Pool is a department of the Republic of the Congo in the southeastern part of the country. It borders the departments of Bouenza, Lékoumou, and Plateaux, and internationally, the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It also surrounds the commune district of the national capital, Brazzaville. The...

 from 1980 to 1984.

At the PCT's Third Ordinary Congress, held on 27–31 July 1984, Obami Itou was elected as President of the PCT Control and Verification Commission. He remained in that post until July 1987, when he was instead designated as Secretary of the PCT Central Committee in charge of Organization. Obami Itou was elected to the PCT Political Bureau in 1989 and assigned responsibility for foreign relations. In mid-1990, he was included as one of five members of the Secretariat of the PCT Central Committee, in charge of foreign relations. Later, he was appointed as the Administrator-Delegate of Hydro-Congo, the country's oil exploration and exploitation company, on December 31, 1999; he held that position until 2002.

Obami Itou was elected to the Senate from Plateaux Region in July 2002; in the same year, he also headed the PCT's candidate list for Gamboma in the local election for the Regional Council. On August 23, 2002, he was elected by the Senate as President of the Commission on Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration, and Development Cooperation. When the Pan-African Parliament
Pan-African Parliament
The Pan-African Parliament , also known as the African Parliament, is the legislative body of the African Union and held its inaugural session in March 2004. The PAP exercises oversight, and has advisory and consultative powers, lasting for the first five years...

 began meeting in March 2004, Itou became one of Congo's five members.

Ambroise Noumazalaye
Ambroise Noumazalaye
Ambroise Édouard Noumazalaye was a Congolese politician who was Prime Minister of the Republic of the Congo from 1966 to 1968, under President Alphonse Massamba-Débat. Later in life he served as Secretary-General of the Congolese Labour Party and was a supporter of President Denis Sassou Nguesso...

, the President of the Senate, died on November 17, 2007, and Obami Itou was elected to succeed him on December 1, 2007 to serve out the remainder of his term, ending in July 2008. Standing as a candidate of the Rally for a Presidential Majority (RMP), he was re-elected as a Senator from Plateaux Region in the August 2008 Senate election
Republic of the Congo Senate election, 2008
An indirect Senate election was held in the Republic of the Congo on 5 August 2008. 42 of the 72 seats in the Senate were at stake in this election, with six elected from each of seven departments. The Senate was expanded by six members at the time of this election to account for the creation of...

 with the unanimous support of the 61 electors in Plateaux. Obami Itou was then re-elected as President of the Senate on August 12, 2008. Obami Itou remains a member of the PCT Political Bureau as of 2007, and he remains the PCT's Permanent Secretary for Foreign Relations as of 2008.

Following the October 2011 Senate election, Obami Itou was re-elected as President of the Senate on 24 October 2011, receiving 67 out of 69 votes.
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