Always Leaning (song)
"Alway's Leaning" is a unknown song by DC Talk
DC Talk
DC Talk is the first studio album released from vocal trio DC Talk. It is the most hip hop-oriented of all of their albums as each later album gradually progressed into a more rock-centered sound. Michael Tait stated that their original goal for the album was to sell 10,000 units. It sold 7,142...

. The song was released on their 1988 cassette tape Christian Rhymes to a Rhythm
Christian Rhymes to a Rhythm
Christian Rhymes to a Rhythm was Dc Talk's independent debut album released in 1987. It is extremely rare so information on it is hard to find. Despite this, all of the songs on this album appear on the album Dc Talk in 1989. The only differences between the 2 albums is that by 1989, Kevin Max had...

, but never released again, except for a DC Talk website now defunct. It was available for mp3 download, but closed down. The song has never been sold on iTunes, no store has ever sold the cassette, and the song is no longer able to listen to, making it the rarest song in dc Talk existence.

Known Lyrics

  • Alway's Leanin'
  • I always catch myself from leanin'
  • Alway's Leanin
  • Don't Let me Fall...
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