Alexander Voznesensky
Alexander Alekseevich Voznesensky (March 5, 1898 - October 28, 1950) was a Soviet
Soviet Union
The Soviet Union , officially the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics , was a constitutionally socialist state that existed in Eurasia between 1922 and 1991....

 economist, brother of Nikolai Voznesensky
Nikolai Voznesensky
Nikolai Alekseevich Voznesensky was the Soviet economic planner who oversaw the running of Gosplan during the German-Soviet War. A protégé of Andrei Zhdanov, Voznesensky was appointed Deputy Premier in May 1940 at the age of thirty-eight. He was directly involved in the recovery of production...


Born in the village of Golovkino in the Novosil
Novosil is a town and the administrative center of Novosilsky District of Oryol Oblast, Russia, located on the right bank of the Zusha River east of Oryol. Population:...

 district (then in Tula
Tula, Russia
Tula is an industrial city and the administrative center of Tula Oblast, Russia. It is located south of Moscow, on the Upa River. Population: -History:...

 gubernia, now in Oryol Oblast
Oryol Oblast
Oryol Oblast is a federal subject of Russia . Its administrative center is the city of Oryol. Population: -Geography:It is located in the southwestern part of the Central Federal District, in the Mid-Russian Highlands. Kaluga and Tula Oblasts border it in the north, Bryansk Oblast is located to...

), he spent his childhood in Chern. In 1917 he enrolled at the Petrograd Institute of History and Philology; in 1921, he joined the Social Sciences Faculty of Petrograd University, graduating in 1923, and soon began to teach.

He served as rector of Leningrad State University from 1941 to 1948, and in the spring of 1942 he organized the evacuation of the university to Saratov
-Modern Saratov:The Saratov region is highly industrialized, due in part to the rich in natural and industrial resources of the area. The region is also one of the more important and largest cultural and scientific centres in Russia...

. In 1947, Voznesensky was elected to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and in 1948 was appointed Minister of Education of the Russian SFSR. On August 19, 1949, he was arrested on charges of treason, participation in a counterrevolutionary organization, and anti-Soviet agitation (the Leningrad Affair
Leningrad Affair
The Leningrad Affair, or Leningrad case , was a series of criminal cases fabricated in the late 1940s–early 1950s in order to accuse a number of prominent members of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union of treason and intention to create an anti-Soviet organization out of the Leningrad Party...

). Convicted and executed in 1950, he was rehabilitated on May 14, 1954.
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