Alaska Law Review
The Alaska Law Review is an academic law journal that is devoted to legal issues relating to the State of Alaska. First published in 1971, since 1984 it has been published by students at Duke Law School in Durham, North Carolina
Durham, North Carolina
Durham is a city in the U.S. state of North Carolina. It is the county seat of Durham County and also extends into Wake County. It is the fifth-largest city in the state, and the 85th-largest in the United States by population, with 228,330 residents as of the 2010 United States census...

 every June and December.

The journal is not published in Alaska because the state does not have a law school
Law school
A law school is an institution specializing in legal education.- Law degrees :- Canada :...

, and is currently the only state without one. The Alaska Bar Association selected Duke to handle the scholarly publication. Previously, the journal was published by the students of UCLA School of Law
UCLA School of Law
The UCLA School of Law is the law school of the University of California, Los Angeles. It has been approved by the American Bar Association since 1950. It joined the Association of American Law Schools in 1952.- History :...

as the UCLA - Alaska Law Review from v.1 (1971)-v.12 (1983).

Because the Alaska Bar Association distributes a copy of the Alaska Law Review to every one of its members, the Alaska Law Review is the most widely distributed law journal in America.
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