Akeyuku Sora
is a 1929 black and white Japanese silent film with benshi
were Japanese performers who provided live narration for silent films . Benshi are sometimes also called or .-Role of the benshi:...

 accompaniment directed by Torajiro Saito
Torajiro Saito
was a Japanese film director known for his comedy films. Born in Akita Prefecture, he entered Shōchiku's Kamata studio in 1922 and debuted as a director in 1926. He later worked at the Shintōhō and Tōhō studios...

. A melodrama
The term melodrama refers to a dramatic work that exaggerates plot and characters in order to appeal to the emotions. It may also refer to the genre which includes such works, or to language, behavior, or events which resemble them...

 about an orphan
An orphan is a child permanently bereaved of or abandoned by his or her parents. In common usage, only a child who has lost both parents is called an orphan...

and her mother who are separated and lose contact, but are later reunited; it provides the viewer with a universal theme woven into the plot.

External links

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