Agilulf, Bishop of Metz
Agilulf, also called Aigulf (ca 537 – 601), was a Bishop of Metz between 590 or 591 and 601, and was the predecessor of Arnual or Arnoldus or Arnoald (601–609 or 611). He was a son of Ferreolus, Senator of Narbonne
Ferreolus, Senator of Narbonne
Ferreolus, also called Ferreolus of Rodez was a senator of Narbonne, then Narbo, who lived in Rodez and was also a senator there. He was the son of Tonantius Ferreolus and wife Industria....

, and wife Dode, Abbess of Saint Pierre de Reims
Dode, Abbess of Saint Pierre de Reims
Saint Dode was an Abbess of Saint Pierre de Reims and a French Saint whose Feast Day is April 24. She was the daughter of Chloderic, King of the Franks, and the sister of Munderic. She married ca...

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