Accredited Social Worker
Accredited Social Workers are Australia
Australia , officially the Commonwealth of Australia, is a country in the Southern Hemisphere comprising the mainland of the Australian continent, the island of Tasmania, and numerous smaller islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. It is the world's sixth-largest country by total area...

n graduate social workers who are committed to continuing professional education
Professional development
Professional development refers to skills and knowledge attained for both personal development and career advancement. Professional development encompasses all types of facilitated learning opportunities, ranging from college degrees to formal coursework, conferences and informal learning...

 in a manner recognised by the Australian Association of Social Workers
Australian Association of Social Workers
The Australian Association of Social Workers is the professional representative body of social workers in Australia. It was formed in 1946 at the federal level, although a number of state branches had formed prior to this...

. Achieving accreditation is promoted as beneficial to the ability and effectiveness of the individual worker as well as to the wider society through the pursuit of social justice
Social justice
Social justice generally refers to the idea of creating a society or institution that is based on the principles of equality and solidarity, that understands and values human rights, and that recognizes the dignity of every human being. The term and modern concept of "social justice" was coined by...

, the enhancement of the quality of life and the development of the full potential of each individual, group and community in society.

To be accredited, social workers must undertake up to 75 hours of professional development and/or education in a yearly cycle. Activities that count towards these hours include supervision
Clinical supervision
Supervision is used in counselling, psychotherapy, and other mental health disciplines as well as many other professions engaged in working with people. It consists of the practitioner meeting regularly with another professional, not necessarily more senior, but normally with training in the skills...

 social work students, taking part in training or receiving supervision
Clinical supervision
Supervision is used in counselling, psychotherapy, and other mental health disciplines as well as many other professions engaged in working with people. It consists of the practitioner meeting regularly with another professional, not necessarily more senior, but normally with training in the skills...

in the workplace.

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