1905 in Afghanistan
See also: 1904 in Afghanistan
1904 in Afghanistan
See also: 1903 in Afghanistan, other events of 1904, and 1905 in Afghanistan.----Internal peace is not disturbed during the year, but there are, as usual, frequent rumours of quarrels in the amirs family and of reconciliations...

, other events of 1905, and 1906 in Afghanistan
1906 in Afghanistan
See also: 1905 in Afghanistan, other events of 1906, and 1907 in Afghanistan.----There are no internal disturbances and no disputes with foreign neighbours during the year. Even the usual rumours of differences and intrigues within the royal family have ceased...


January 1905

Inayatullah Khan
Inayatullah Khan
Inayatullah Khan Seraj was the King of Afghanistan from 14 January 1929 to 17 January 1929. He was the son of former Afghan King, Habibullah Khan...

 finishes his Indian visit, and on his return to Kabul expresses the greatest pleasure at the manner in which he was received.

Early 1905

The amir issues a proclamation inviting the Hazaras to return, and allowing them till October to do so. A large number of them accordingly return during the summer, and many of the leading supporters of Shir Ali who were exiles in India since his overthrow also seek and obtain permission to return to their homes.

Early April 1905

The special mission under Louis Dane in Kabul completes its work successfully and returns to India. The only visible result of its labours is the renewal with the present amir, Habibullah Khan, of the treaty formerly made with his father, with an increase of his annual subsidy from twelve to 1.8 million rupee
The rupee is the common name for the monetary unit of account in India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Pakistan, Mauritius, Seychelles, Maldives, and formerly in Burma, and Afghanistan. Historically, the first currency called "rupee" was introduced in the 16th century...

s, but the relations between him and Dane were throughout of the most cordial and intimate character, and all matters affecting the interests of the amir and the government of India were fully and freely discussed. It is thought in some British quarters that more might have been obtained from the amir, but it is seen as far better to accept what he was prepared to offer of his own free will than to obtain larger concessions from him by pressure.

Suggestions which have been put forward that there should be a British resident in Kabul, that British officers should be lent to organize the Afghan army
Military of Afghanistan
The military of Afghanistan is composed of the Afghan National Army and the Afghan National Army Air Force . Being a landlocked country, Afghanistan has no navy, and the private security forces who are sometimes seen wearing military uniforms are not part of Afghanistan's military...

, or that railways should be pushed forward into Afghanistan to connect its chief cities with British India, so that they might be at once garrisoned by British troops in case of threatened attack, are all open to the objection that any such steps would arouse the deepest resentment amongst the people. As it is, Britain secures the friendship and confidence of the amir, who shows the change in his relations with Britain by drawing the arrears of his subsidy, which he had declined to receive for some time, and employing the money to strengthen the defenses of his country. On the evening before the mission left Kabul its members were entertained at dinner by the amir, who had Dane on his right, whilst the other officers were placed between the chief men of his court. This was the first time that he or they had eaten with infidels.
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