1805 in Norway

Full date unknown

  • Jørgen Wright Cappelen
    Jørgen Wright Cappelen
    -Personal life:Jørgen Wright Cappelen was born in Porsgrund in 1805 as the ninth and last child of ship-owner Ulrich Fredrich von Cappelen and his wife Benedicte Henrikke, née Aall . His maternal grandfather was Nicolai Benjamin Aall, and as such his group of uncles included Constitutional...

    , bookseller and publisher (d.1878
    1878 in Norway
    -Events:* A law is passed that requires teachers to speak the dialect of their pupils and not the other way round.-Births:*13 January - Henrik Østervold, sailor and Olympic gold medallist *17 January - Olaf Husby, sport shooter...

  • Bernt Sverdrup Maschmann
    Bernt Sverdrup Maschmann
    Bernt Sverdrup Maschmann was a Norwegian priest and politician.He was elected to the Norwegian Parliament in 1845, representing the constituency of Smaalenenes Amt. He worked as the vicar of Hobøl from 1837 to 1869....

    , priest and politician (d.1869
    1869 in Norway
    -January to June:*18 February - Johan Hjort, fisheries scientist, marine zoologist and oceanographer *23 March - Waldemar Ager, newspaperman and author in America *1 April - Peter Egge, writer *11 April - Gustav Vigeland, sculptor...

  • Ole Hersted Schjøtt
    Ole Hersted Schjøtt
    -Personal life:Ole Hersted Schjøtt was born in 1805 to shipmaster Niels M. Schjøtt and his wife Anne Hersted. The family moved from their native Jutland to Christiania in 1808....

    , clergyman and politician (d.1848
    1848 in Norway
    -Events:* Ålesund received city rights.-Notable births:*3 February - Jørgen Løvland, politician and Prime Minister of Norway *2 May - Hans Gabriel Nissen Buck, physician and politician *17 May - Erik Jørgensen, master gunsmith...

  • Jacob Staalesen Velde
    Jacob Staalesen Velde
    Jacob Staalesen Velde was a Norwegian politician.He was elected to the Norwegian Parliament in 1848, representing the constituency of Nordre Trondhjems Amt. He worked as a teacher and farmer there. He was re-elected in 1851, 1854, 1868 and 1871....

    , politician
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