Why is it so dry in the middle east?
replied to: dajjah641
Replied to: Why is it so dry in the middle east?
It is so dry because there never was a lot of rain
or lakes
replied to: dajjah641
Replied to: Why is it so dry in the middle east?
1) Geology / climate; there are deserts in China and Australia, and many other parts of the world [Arizona]
2) North Africa used to be much greener - it supplied a lot of corn to Ancient Rome. A lot of the loss was cause by - - goats ! they eat anything, so will tear up plants which are holding the soil in ; without those plants the rain washes the soil away [soil erosion]
replied to: Puckish
Replied to: 1) Geology / climate; there are deserts in China and Australia,...
Maybe it is sent by God - is it a punishment for something ?
replied to: dajjah641
Replied to: Why is it so dry in the middle east?
Generally, desert regions have dry weather but now, according to report of NASA this region is getting greener