Frank Nitti
Why Do Men With Money And/Or Influence Allow Trashy Women To Use Them?
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I've noticed that most peole with so-called wealth and influence seem to gravitate towards women that are blatant obvious smiling in your face while using and abusing, women. It's obvious that she doesn't love you, and that she is only smiling in your face because you are dumb enough to treat her the way she wants you to. Not to be confused with wanting to treat someone who cares for you right. Don't they know when they do this, they create a breading ground for bum bitches that would steal, whore, conspire, set-up, and murder just to live off of what somebody else has. Just look at all those video hoes. They come in fully loaded with diseases from whoring everything to look like they look, just so that they can act as if they are in a class of people that would murder her trail of victims, because they want her now. It's a vicious and stupid way to think of yourself. Wealthy people must have very low self esteem, to feel they need bums to falsly hype them up then use them like tools.