Black Watch
MY Grandad Jimmy George Toovey
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Hello my name is Lee and I hope someone can help me.. My grandad fought in the second world war in the Scottish regiment in the Black watch, all I know is that he was called up when he was eighteen. He came home and got married to my nan Mary Brogan in 1947 at 21, his best man was in the RAF, he and my grandad whore their uniforms at his wedding. He then, I believe went back to fight and got a shrapnel wound to his leg then he was sent home.. He told me a couple of storys but never liked talking about where he went or what happened. He sadly passed away back in 2005, I got my chance to thank him for what he done at his bedside in hospital but I want to know as much as I can to pass down to my sons and daughter about there funny great grandad who fought in WWII. My nan also gave me a post card picture of his regiment which he had sent home, from a barracks somewhere... I hope someone can help me..