Intriguing Questions
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Hi guys,

I would like to post the following questions and lets have some bets on the answers: -
1. Chicken and Egg? Which one comes first?

2. You have heard of “Yuen Fen” or Destiny. “You are my other half; We are destined to meet with each other”. Why I happened to meet and love you; not your neighbour? What are all these about?

3. Christians believe that we live only once. Buddhists believe in rebirth on and on? Which is which then?

4. Are books, rocks, shirts, table, chairs, building, minerals, water, earth, plants all living things or only humans, animals, insects are entitled to be called a living? What constitute a living?

5. How big is the Universe? Can we quantify it? Is there an edge, end or shape to the Universe?

6. Birth & Rebirth – Past, Present & Future life, how does it derived? What is the purpose of life?

7. Why are some people born with lots of blessings in terms of natural talents; material wealth, etc.? Why some are lacking of all these? Why some people have numerous phobias in their life? Is it Law of Karma or Natural random selection or God’s favouritism?
Here is my share of thoughts: -

Q1 Chicken and Egg? Which one comes first?
A1 The true answer is neither of both. This question in itself is incomplete in a practical point of view. Both chicken and egg would not pop out from thin air in a sudden phenomenon. Scientifically, we need to view this process in entirety rather than a limited view scope.

To start of with, we need to look at basic element; but what is that? All happenings or activities started with 3 basic elements i.e. Space, Force and Substance.

These 3 elements would interact together and there begins the very first dot of becoming process (integration process). The same elements would disintegrate from each other in any time of maturity and there begins the unbecoming process (disintegration process). The whole process of becoming and unbecoming would create myriads of activities in a fully occupied realm of existence.

So to answer correctly on this question, one would need to study the evolution process. It is inevitable that everything that exists would need to go through some kind of evolution process. There is no permanency in any realm of existence that is subjected to the circumstances of law that dictate natural process.

If one was to work in goods manufacturing environment, then it would be clearly understood that before the process of initiating new items, one would need to start the first step of research and development (R&D). The outcome of R&D would be a near perfect sample. But then again, samples are not permanent and would subject to various modification activities until perfection is achieved and before flowing into the next process of mass production (duplicating process - like producing chicken and egg).

So, here is the answer, it is neither the chicken nor the egg that comes first. It is that some kind of life form sample that becomes the predecessor of both chicken and egg.

Then again, we could view it from another angle. There are 2 angles to view this case i.e. perpetual and non-perpetual. Samples belong to the category of non-perpetual and chicken or egg belongs to perpetual category. Only perpetual process would last for a mentioned period of time (but there again not permanently) and non-perpetual process would evaporate into thin air over some short period of time.

And it is through this evolution process that dictates all the activities in the realm of existence.

On another aspect, apart from the process of evolution, nature in itself is wonderful that allows so many other processes happening and one of the key processes is mutation. Every day, every minute, every second, the so-called living things have to go through evolution, revolution and mutation processes; none stopping. That is why we like to use the words, now you see; now you don't - eg. the youth of you no longer be the same after going through millions of seconds, minutes, days.

And one interesting fact that we human afraid most is the big "C" i.e. Cancer. A lot of people including scientists and doctors have mistakenly classified Cancer as disease. In fact, Cancer is never a disease. It is a natural condition i.e. mutation process that appears on anything that exists. One can't stop the earth from rotating so is the no stopping of Cancer or mutation process from happening. These are part of law of nature and we need to learn to respect it. The only thing we could do is to slow it down (like slowing down your aging) but it would never be extinct from the nature. Without mutation process, we humans don't even have a chance to exist!

General speaking, things would not disappear, it merely change form due to these processes and you would notice why extinction and new creation keep on happening eg. Before time, we have dinosaurs living here, now, we have too many humans running around. The factors influencing these changes are so many i.e. weather, disaster, etc.

The only thing that we human should do is to learn to see it and respect the wonders of nature.

Q2 You have heard of “Yuen Fern” or Destiny. You are my other half; We are destined to meet with each other. Why I happened to meet and love you; not your neighbour? What are all these about?
A2 The explanation lies in the wonders of nature again. When the 3 basic elements interacted together, the very first dot of becoming process (integration process) begins. When billions and trillions of dots come together, it would manifest into some sort of beings, let say human beings.

Respectively, each dot would contain a sort of genetic information that is unique and aggregation of dots would subsequently develop into a pool of behaviour. Such unique behaviour would be enclosed within the same being until the next unbecoming process (disintegration process) begins upon a specific time of maturity.

During the disintegration process, the same billions and trillions of dots would liberate from each other and sustain freedom of sorts. When more different beings when through the same integration processes, more different billions and trillions of dots would sustain freedom and thus assimilate among each other in the realm of existence.

So now, let say there are 3 different beings i.e. Person H, Person O and Person R. Within Person H, let say there are dots of h1, h2, h3, h4 and respectively the same manner goes for the other two persons.

When H, O, R went through the disintegration processes all of their respective dots i.e. h1…h4, o1….o4, r1…..r4 would liberate and assimilate among each other. When comes a specific conducive time period, the same fragmented and assimilated dots would go through integration process again and through the copulation process of living Person S and Person E (father and mother), thus forming a new being, let say Person HORSE.

As such, HORSE would carry the genetic information deriving not only from S and E but also H, O, R. Supposedly, HORSE would carry fragmented and assimilated dots of h1, o2, r1, s3, e2.

In a second scenario, the remaining of fragmented and assimilated dots that derived from H, O and R would go through integration process again and through the copulation process of living Person N and Person Y, thus forming a new being, let say Person HORNY. Supposedly, HORNY would carry fragmented and assimilated dots of h2, o1, r2, n2, y2.

Now, in a third scenario, the other remaining of fragmented and assimilated dots that derived from H, O and R would go through integration process again and through the copulation process of living Person T and Person I, thus forming a new being, let say Person HORTI. Supposedly, HORTI would carry fragmented and assimilated dots of h3, o3, r3, t2, i3.

Inevitably, under the natural law of circumstances, anything that belongs to the same ancestry would somehow tend to attract with each other no matter how far or near distance; how long or short time period etc.

So supposedly HORSE live in England, HORTI in Malaysia and HORNY in Singapore. In their present lifetime, HORSE is good friend of HORTI; while HORTI and HORNY are husband and wife. If you view these relationships in entirety, all of them are inter-related somehow and somewhere before time and thus, in their present lives they could have the “chances” to meet and know with each other.

So, perhaps, you have heard that “Yuen Fern” or “Destiny is made in Heaven” and what “A Man is always trying to look for his other half; I happened to meet with each other; Why I happened to love you; not your neighbour?” would mean.

Finally, according to Christianity, it is believed that all human beings derived from “Adam and Eve” and this statement may hold its truth literally.

Q3 Christians believe that we live only once. Buddhists believe in rebirth on and on? Which is which then?
A3 So who is correct? The right answer is both are correct in their respective point of views.

Now, we return to the same illustration i.e. Person HORSE, HORTI and HORNY. These persons are unique respectively and no individuals would be the same even though they do share some sort of same genes, before time, etc.

Even twins are similar but never the same individuals. So, Christians are right about we living "once" because “we” don’t find another “same we” elsewhere, anywhere, any other time.

But by living once, it does not means there is no continuity. The dots of Person H, Person O and Person R did inherit into new beings of Person HORSE, HORTI and HORNY. So, this is what Buddhists mean by rebirth on and on.

For general understanding, Rebirth does not mean Trans-migration. An individual does not migrate from one physical body into another body, NO, it just won’t fit. Every individual or whatever things that exist would not be the same; it could only be absolute similar.

That is why you would hear in stories whereby free spirits/ghosts have the ability to possess into the body of an individual but it never overtakes absolutely the original spirit/soul of that individual. One cannot simply swaps between spirits/souls and bodies or exchange souls with each other at one’s whims and fancies. Even, the most powerful magic charm could not perform this feat.

So, ultimately, it is the wonders of nature again.

Q4 Are books, rocks, shirts, tables, chairs, buildings, minerals, water, earth, plants all living things or only humans, animals, insects are entitled to be called a living? What constitute a living?
A4 Under the common term of understanding between humans, living would mean having certain characteristics i.e. heartbeats, self-motions, self-cultivates, self-assimilates, etc. and non-living or dead things would have characteristics of motionless, no heartbeats, decays, etc. In another perspective, we classify that living things would have souls and non-living things would have no-souls.

However, if one was to view it correctly, everything that exists in the realm of existence is alive in their respective senses. Motion-less does not means dead; so as non-growing does not means non-living, etc.

As mentioned before, all happenings or activities started with 3 basic elements i.e. Space, Force and Substance. When these elements interacted with each other, living starts from this first dot. It is irregardless whether a thing or being would be self kicking, expanding, contracting, etc. or vice versa.

There can be no fairness to the nature for humans to draw a line between which of which is living or vice versa without truly understand the law of nature in entirety. Nature in itself is wonderful that allows all things to assimilate among each other, thus making it becomes too complex for any acts of separation.

For instance, we like to classify that humans are living; whereas air, water, minerals are otherwise. If this statement is true, then we would fool ourselves with incorrect perception. From an article pulled out from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, the composition of human body is as follows: -

“The human body's chemical composition consists of a variety of elements and compounds. By mass, human cells consist of 65–90% water (H2O), and a significant portion is composed of carbon-containing organic molecules. Oxygen therefore contributes a majority of a human body's mass, followed by carbon. 99% of the mass of the human body is made up of the six elements oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorus.”

If water, air and minerals are non-living, how come we are termed as living when over 90% of our bodies comprise these mentioned substances (non-living substances)?

In another instance, we like to portray that when a person is lying dead, only his or her soul would depart from the motionless body, but how true is this? If this statement is acceptable, then the next question would be “Has anyone ever seen pure naked spirits or ghosts?”

So it is appropriate to quote that everything appears in the realm of existence is very much alive. In fact, those so-called non-living things could well communicate and interact with us; like we used to term that our Mother Earth reacted to our wrong doings and raging at times.

Q5 How big is the Universe? Can we quantify it? Is there an edge, end or shape to the Universe?
A5 How big is the Universe? Presently, there can be no appropriate and solid answer to it because we have yet capable of devising extra-amazing type of machinery that can measure the wave length of infinity.

Any attempts to quantify the size of the Universe would require truly extraordinary efforts and there can be no reliable measurement because Universe in itself is never stagnant, instead it is very much alive – continuously expanding and contracting.

Nevertheless, Universe does belongs to the category of perpetual and it does contains a perpetual shape but has no edge; no end. So what exactly is the shape of the Universe? The right answer is sphere.

Presently, scientists are still working awfully hard to identify the exact centre point of the Universe for uncovering the present size and the key clue to it would be hunting for the earliest dot of sparkling in the “Big Bang” process.

In the realm of existence, only sphere or round (in-linear) is termed as perpetual profile design. Any other shape (in-linear) such as triangle, square, pentagon, octagon, etc. would be termed as non-perpetual profile designs.

And it is proven scientifically that round is the most viable shape for perpetuity due to its equal mutual surface forces from all angles. There are many examples one could observe when looking into the dark sky and outer space on these perpetual appearances i.e. Stars, Suns, Planets, Moons, Black Holes, etc.

One interesting fact to take notice is that Black hole is a region of space in the Universe that behaves just like Cancer cell in our body system; so as the Bermuda Triangle region in the Earth. So, it is correct to term that mutation is an inevitable process on anything that appears in the realm of existence.

In conclusion, one should not feel too sad when losing a particular precious item in the infinite outer space because the same item would return in the opposite direction ultimately. Therefore, the saying of “What goes around; comes around” is indeed truthful for any applications in the realm of existence.

Q6 Birth & Rebirth – Past, Present & Future life, how does it derived? What is the purpose of life?
A6 “Why am I here?” This is a million dollar worth of question that no one could provide with proper and absolute answer to it. So, to analyse on this question, we could segregate it into two segments i.e. creation by nature and creation by mankind.

It is easier to define the creation by mankind but the definition for creation by nature would require one’s in-depth knowledge on the orientation of nature in general terms.

As explained earlier, all happenings or activities started with 3 basic elements i.e. Space, Force and Substance. These 3 elements would interact together and there begins the very first dot of becoming process or “Birth” as we usually named it.

The same elements would disintegrate from each other at any time of maturity and there begins the unbecoming process. The whole process of becoming and unbecoming would create myriad of activities in a fully occupied realm of existence or “Birth, Un-birth and Re-birth”.

On the same pretext, one would question that if “Birth and Re-birth” do exist, why don’t most of humans have clear memories of their respective past lives or even future lives? Well, it is amusing to mention that most of us couldn’t even recall clearly on all the happenings in the past weeks and what more on our past lives! But in some cases, this phrase may not turn out to be factual.

Some individuals do remember vividly their past lives and could relate it well in their present lives. Some individuals do even see their future lives and relate it in their present lives (with reference to some revered monks). Nevertheless, there is a clear-cut explanation on these exceptional incidences.

Now, let us return to the same illustration i.e. Person HORSE, HORTI and HORNY. These persons are unique respectively and each one does inherit the dots of Person H, Person O and Person R.

But now, let us explore further on the density of dots that Person HORSE, HORTI and HORNY inherited from Person H, Person O and Person R. Higher density of any particular dots inheritance would mean higher retention of sort of genetic information that determines particular pool of behaviour of a predecessor.

In other words, if Person HORSE inherited higher density of dots from Person H as compared with dots from Person O and Person R, then the pool of behaviour for Person HORSE would somehow share similar characteristics of Person H. Supposedly, Person H is an ardent pianist, then Person HORSE would somehow be naturally talented towards the play of piano or something with similarities.

This is how we explain the naturally talented skills or “Thien Fern” we always uncovered from young children. The same case explanation applies for those “Phobias” in any particular individuals.

So, we could conclude that some individuals could remember their past lives because they do inherit higher density of dots derived from predecessors with ardent characters or talents. But most people can’t recall their past lives because they only inherited much assimilated dots derived from myriad of predecessors.

Right now, with all the happenings or activities of Birth and Re-birth, do we really have any reasons, meanings or purposes for living? So, what is the rightful purpose of life?

Well, the ultimate purpose of life is to attain the opportunity to learn to live wholesomely. It is regardless whether one would live a good life, luxurious life, poor life or pathetic life. By being alive as humans, we have all liberties or choices of path to begin with. So, one should not mention that “I have no purpose in my life” because this phrase per se already determines the route of his/her life.

Let us cherish now – every second, every minute, every hour of our lives with wholesome thoughts, dreams, actions, etc.

Q7 Why are some people born with lots of blessings in terms of natural talents; material wealth, etc.? Why some are lacking of all these? Why some people have numerous phobias in their life? Is it Law of Karma or Natural random selection or God’s favouritism?
A7 It is commonly established in the society that people have tendencies of searching, fighting or defending for justice or fairness but for most of the time, circumstances are on the opposite phenomenon.

Inequality circumstances can be seen everywhere, anywhere one moves about. And there is a saying that it is due to the world is round and not square; therefore “fair and square” slogan cannot apply in this mundane world.

Well, one may say that the foremost reason for all these happenings is that God would like to test our patience, endurance, etc. But how true is it? Can this statement be taken in literally? Then, others may say that all these happenings are due to the workings of Karma.

So, is it due to the workings of God or Karma? Let us analyse this.

Frankly speaking, there are many definitions of God. God is referred as deity or superhuman power for someone who is Hindu or Taoist; and according to Christian, Jewish, Muslim, etc. God is creator and ruler of the universe. Well, the attributes of God can be never ending and it coincides with the proverb “Beauty is in the Eyes of a Beholder”.

In other words, God is a subject of reverence for most faiths found in this world.

Now, what about Karma? As according to Buddhism, everything that happens in this world or universe is subject to the Law of Karma.

Well, for general understanding, Karmic Law is a natural phenomenon law – it is not shaped by someone else; no one owns it; neither Buddhism. It is merely a Law of Balancing – to achieve the circumstances of equilibrium in nature.

If one was to observe one’s surroundings intently, everything that exist would always try to achieve the state of balance. Things would only exist in perpetual when there is a balance circumstance. In other words, one should not waste time propagating the idea of justice or fairness. Instead, all efforts would be worth channeled to propagate the act of balancing in one’s life.

When everything is in balance (both Yin and Yang) – peace and harmony would arise; there would no longer be jealousy, hatred and no more uproar in the society.