Winchester Repeating Arms Company
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I have a Winchester Rifle with octagonal barrel,Model 1892 Patent date October 14, 1884. Has "W(32WCF)W" and a number on the barrel "412604." Can ... 0 11/22/2015
Can you tell me if Winchester Arms are American made including parts ? 0 9/19/2015
Does Winchester make a 100% USA firearm and if so which ones are there? 0 9/14/2015
I am working on a Winchester Ranger Model 120 (serial # L1927011). My problem is that the action will not completely close while the barrel is moun... 0 6/3/2015
I have a rather different Winchester M70 Featherweight in 308 Winchester caliber. I believe that the gun was made first year production of after Winch... 0 9/2/2014