United States home front during World War II
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  Subject Replies Date
How were women affected on the home front? 2 9/24/2016
What effects did the draft have on the US home front? 2 9/24/2016
World war 2 0 2/8/2016
List of popular songs during world war 2 in us 0 2/8/2016
How was it important 0 11/19/2013
What was the role and effect of the home front 0 11/19/2013
What was the role and effect of the home front 0 11/19/2013
In world war 2 why did the government give millions of dollars to child care programs throughout the united states 0 10/8/2013
How did US civilians support the war effort? 2 3/7/2012
Internment of foreign nationals 1 2/4/2011