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  Subject Replies Date
I want to know if there is any book by siddars about eyendras such as vaasthu &other any gods 0 6/17/2016
Where can I get Bhogar 12000? Kindly give the address 0 6/12/2016
I want to visit Sathuragiri (prefer to go alone), How can I get a good guide. 1 2/10/2014
I want to know the place of mahasamathi of kongana sithar at thirupathi 1 9/29/2013
I want to know about Sathuragiri hills. I know it is in Rajapalayam near vadrayiruppu. But from there how can we reach Sathuragiri hills. Can we g... 2 6/30/2013
About siddhars 1 6/30/2013
What are some means to see a SIDDHA with a naked eye? 1 6/16/2013
Hi, I saw the yanthra of Korakkar sidhar in some book. I am unable to recollect it. Shall appreciate if I can get any lead with regard to th... 3 6/13/2013
Any siddhar books 2 1/18/2013
Can anybody share details about sathura giri hills 8 1/18/2013
Sidhhars 0 1/18/2013