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  Subject Replies Date
Why god choose his son to suffered all of our sins?is he not a good father? 0 12/16/2013
Why is the shahadah against a green background considered by some to be a more fitting representation of islam? 0 12/15/2013
How did the star and crescent moon come to represent some muslim nations? 0 12/15/2013
Why did muhammad oppose the creation of symbols and icons? 4 12/15/2013
Briefly describe the five pillars of islam. 0 12/15/2013
What two declarations are made in the shahadah? 0 12/15/2013
Outline your personal views on paradise and hell. 0 12/15/2013
Briefly explain the muslim concept of ti similar to your concept?discuss it. 0 12/15/2013
What is the day of judgement? 0 12/15/2013
Outline 0 12/15/2013
Judgement 0 12/15/2013
Briefly describe 0 12/15/2013
Why is the shahadah such a central belief for muslims? 0 12/15/2013