Polydispersity index
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As far as I know nanoparticles with PDI value upto 0.2 is considered to be mono-dispersed. Is this true? Another question is Is it dependents on parti... 0 4/21/2014
Is it possible to get living polymer with high PDI by for example ATRP and RAFT polymerization 0 4/18/2014
How to calculate polzdispersity index. Data of particle size distribution are measured by DLS method. 0 12/19/2013
What is the range of PDI 0 7/10/2013
Thank you for accepting me for discussion. what is relation between particle size and polydispersity index? 0 4/11/2013
What is ideal ratio of PDI ? How to maintain it in PP compouding application ? what is effect of PDI on asthetics of plastic moulded parts ? 0 3/15/2013
Ideal PDI 0 3/15/2013