Pogo stick
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I've been using my pogo for 4 days and i notices that the black rubber that stays on the bottom of it is not well attached to the metal. It is not sti... 0 12/30/2015
I've been using my pogo for 4 days and i notices that the black rubber that stays on the bottom of it is not well attached to the metal. It is not sti... 0 12/30/2015
Pogo stick 0 8/21/2015
I just got a flybar super pogo 2, and its not bouncing! i weigh 85 lbs. and im about 5 feet. could it be that i need to break it in? 0 8/11/2014
Branded/customised USB memory sticks 0 6/7/2014
Hi, I am from germany. And i want to buy a pogo stick but i don't know were and what pogo stick is better for me. Flybar 800 or 1000. Or the vurteg... 1 6/6/2014