Messiah (Handel)
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  Subject Replies Date
How is the word 'revealed' treated throught this piece? 0 1/8/2016
Original RCA Victor Red Seal Record Classic Box Set 1947 0 2/21/2015
how to conduct Handel's And the Glory of the Lord ? 0 12/1/2013
Why does Handel use a chorus (instead of a solo singer)? Who do the chorus members represent in the story being told in the text? In each line o... 0 7/18/2013
Why does Handel use recitative style singing instead of an aria for this text? The lines referred to simply as "recitative" are accompanied by or... 1 7/18/2013
why does Handel use only solo voice instead of chorus for the phophecy and birth part? 0 7/18/2013