Lady Macbeth (Shakespeare)
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  Subject Replies Date
How might Lady Macbeth be understood as a witch? 2 10/27/2016
How might Lady Macbeth's character be interpreted as an example of gender stereotyping? 2 10/26/2016
What type of character is lady macbeth? 0 2/3/2016
How does Shakespeare's Lady Macbeth display masculine qualities? 2 8/21/2015
How does Lady MacBeth cope with guilt? 2 8/20/2015
What devices did Shakespeare use In 'Macbeth' that reflect Lady Macbeths character ? 0 11/14/2014
What are some important connotations and denotations of Lady macbeths character in the play ? 0 11/14/2014
How was Lady Macbeth viewed by a Jacobean audience compared to a modern day audience ? 0 11/14/2014
How did Shakespeare want his audience to view Lady Macbeth? 0 11/14/2014
How can Lady Macbeth be understood as an anti-mother? 2 5/11/2013
What is Lady Macbeth's role in the play? 2 2/5/2012