Hammond organ
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  Subject Replies Date
Technical information on the Hammond models B3 and C3 0 9/16/2018
Krueger String Bass Pre-amp with Maas-Rowe Carillons 13 Note Pedeal Board 0 7/28/2018
I just picked up an organ for my daughter. When we turn it on it sounds like a speaker is on very loud sound, hard to discribe. It's a Hammond 340107.... 0 7/13/2017
When using mainstage with the XK3-C how can you get the sustain pedal working ? Hugh 0 5/21/2017
Just got a bite foot leslie hammond organ how do I know what it is cant find a serial no has a leslie tremolo unit 121 000,211 001 0 12/7/2016
I have a hammond model 120 serial 1097151 organ. It is a rolltop with a 715c lesile speaker. I cannot find any info on this organ. Does anyone know wh... 1 8/21/2015
I have a Hammond BCV manufactured in 1939 (I understand the BCV was not factory-made, the vibrato function was added later) with a Leslie 31H manufact... 0 7/24/2015
What are the deminsions of hammond D152 Cabinet 0 5/10/2015
Wat kind of kit do i need , i purchased a 1122 leslie kit and then was told that it wouldnt work so i order the 1147 kit but got a call this morning a... 0 3/22/2015
I need answers on how to hook a 147 leslie to a hammond super b midi project organ 0 3/22/2015
Can I connected a 122 Leslie on my hammond Èlegante organ model 340107, I already got 3 leslies, I know that,I must buy me a kit, does the sound will ... 0 3/8/2015
Hi everybody. I've just signed up to this forum. Can anyone tell me if the Hammond Aurora Reverb PTs were made for international voltages, in my case... 0 12/18/2014
I have 22h leslieoff my m3 can I hook this up to m111 that I just got. 0 12/6/2014
Modern music on the Hammond 0 9/28/2014
Age of Hammond 3000 0 9/25/2014
My fatherhas a Hammond e112. He recently move it 4000 miles. When it arrived it worked for about a week and now there is no sound at all The tubes l... 0 9/13/2014
I would like to get history on a rather unique Hammond rt2 organ. It's uniquiness is that 1) all keys & tabs are white (including sharps/flats), 2) du... 0 8/30/2014
I was curious if anyone knows how i can increase the volume on my super b foot pedals. The slide control does not work. thanks 0 8/28/2014
How or where do I put oil in my Hammond T-582C? Also my expression pedal will not stay up whats the problem? 0 7/22/2014
I have an organ with the following information: Leslie Tremolo Unit Part No. 121-000211-001 EM NO. 520901 Electro Music Accutronics, Inc. 62... 0 5/8/2014
Will bass pedals from model h 182 Hammond fit a A 100 Hammond 0 2/20/2014
Anyone have any knowledge as to how to obtain a user's manual for Romance Series 125? 1 2/14/2014
I have a whole set of keys from a Hammond Concord Organ. I'm wondering what other Hammond organs they will fit on. Can anybody help me? 0 5/13/2013
I have recently purchased a Hammond N 300 and I wondered if any seasoned hammond players had any views on that particular model 0 2/4/2013
Is there any, who knows if hammond, has produced an organ named THOMAS, American style.. 0 1/4/2013
Jazz at Lincoln Center- Special Offer 0 10/2/2012