Ghost Hunters
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I have one question, and if Jason or Grant answer this i will brag about for years on end, but my question is: Does anyone know when the next great am... 0 5/27/2015
Hope someone from the team sees this , , I have the absolute twin to Mattie the Ghost sniffing Dog , Its creepy how they are exactly the same , If Mat... 0 4/8/2015
What do you think of ghost adventures? My opion i cant stand that show. They are so fake i some times watch it so i can laugh at them. (He says why do... 3 3/18/2015
Hello Ghost Hunters!! I am excited to be asking u this question. I have a place i think you would be intrested in investigating. it's The Knickerboc... 0 3/5/2015
How come everytime that there is a "GHOST" the camera man still looks at the investigater, And and all of a sudden the investigator can't see it anymo... 0 2/9/2015
For Jason and Grant,Since you have seen so much of spirits,do you believe in life after death and if so do you think you may walk this Earth after you... 0 2/7/2015
Haunted 0 2/6/2015
I have seen on many shows where Jason or Grant has been scratch or hurt. Why does nothing like that happens to the women or do you just not show that... 0 1/21/2015
I have a ghost in my home, and it is haunting my 8 year old daughter. She is so scared that is won't even go back to our home any more. It has turned ... 0 12/29/2014
Hey Jay & Grant got a question my name is John and me and my wife Heather have a little group of investagators but we havent really had a chance to do... 1 11/19/2014
Hi I know Donna isnt on investigations lately, but I was just wondering how she is. I liked her on the program. 1 11/17/2014