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  Subject Replies Date
Why would fullerene be used in production of cosmetics such as eye-shadow, mascara, eyliner etc? 0 9/13/2015
Why fullerene is different from other current topical antioxidants? 0 9/23/2013
How be fullerene isolated in the mascara? 0 9/11/2013
What is the antioxidation power of fullerene? 0 9/8/2013
Does fullerene exist in nature? Hello All Member, I think Fullerene exist in nature albeit in trace amounts. Please share your opinion here .... 0 9/4/2013
Fullerenes- Past and Future 1 8/26/2013
Carbon Fullerenes 0 7/30/2013
Hello All Member, Is fullerene a class of carbon molecules? Please share your suggestion here. Thanks in Advance.. 1 7/17/2013