Dust Bowl
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  Subject Replies Date
How did the Dust Bowl change American agriculture? 2 10/25/2016
How did the drought acure 0 4/1/2016
What happend when the dust bowl was done?? 0 5/19/2015
Can anyone tell me at least one fact about the Dust Bowl, please it's for a class project. 0 5/5/2015
Dustbowl 0 5/5/2015
Dust bowl 0 5/5/2015
How does the Dust Bowl relate to the novel Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck? 0 4/5/2015
Exactly what part of the country did the Dust Bowl involve. The book "Grapes of Wrath" is the story of Cherokee Indians who lost their land to corpor... 0 3/5/2015
How long was the dust bowl? 1 2/7/2015
Black Sunday was a serious dust storm that took place on April 14, 1935. How many tons of top soil were estimated to have been removed from the area k... 2 1/12/2015
What were the causes of the Dust Bowl? 2 6/16/2014
What were some ways that people prevented the dust bowl? 0 1/19/2014
Wta are five facts about the dust bolw 0 12/10/2013
What had the most impact on the Dust Bowl? Farmers poor farming or the environment? 0 11/19/2013
How can we prevent another dust bowl? 2 6/30/2013
How did the dust bowl influence work and what the workers had to do? 1 6/24/2013
What are 10 facts on the dust bowl? 1 3/30/2013
Approximately how many people died during the dust bowl? 0 2/11/2013
Who helped control the dust bowl 0 1/10/2013
What were the ramifications of the Dust Bowl? 3 3/9/2012
How did the Dust Bowl influence American art and literature? 2 2/5/2011
How did the Dust Bowl contribute to the economic turbulence of the times? 2 1/1/2011