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  Subject Replies Date
What is the cost to hve a car at the campus in your freshmen year 0 1/8/2015
2001 oldsmobile Aurora 0 7/30/2014
Got a 1974 trimph tr6 wonering if anyone can give me some tips on how to take driveshaft out to replace universal joints... 0 7/11/2014
Nissan march cg10 0 6/10/2014
The heater in my 1989 Daihatsu Applause does not send out any heat, even though the fan and selection lever on the dashboard appear to operate normall... 0 5/14/2014
I have a 1998 honda odeyssey auto, how do i shift the gear lever to D3, 2 or 1? 0 4/22/2014
Ever visited Thailand? 0 12/28/2013
Fuel consumption always in MPG or KPL! 0 12/28/2013
Hi, nice to meet you.... 0 12/22/2013