Yahia Badreddin al Houthi
Yahia Badreddin al-Houthi is the spiritual leader of Zaydi rebels who are fighting against the Government of Yemen, known as the Houthis. He is a brother of current Houthi leader Abdul-Malik al-Houthi
Abdul-Malik al-Houthi
Abdul-Malik al-Houthi is a leader of the Zaidiyyah insurgency in Sa'dah Governorate, Yemen. His brothers Yahia Badreddin al Houthi and Abdul-Karim Al-Houthi are also leaders of the insurgency, as was his late brother Hussein Badreddin al-Houthi. He was claimed to have been heavily injured during an...

, late Houthi leader Hussein Badreddin al-Houthi
Hussein Badreddin al-Houthi
Sheikh Hussein Badreddin al-Houthi was a Zaidi religious leader and former Yemeni member of parliament. He was an instrumental figure in the Sa'dah conflict against the Yemeni government, which began in 2004...

 and Abdul-Karim al-Houthi.

Al-Houthi cosigned a letter to the Yemeni government with Abdullah al-Ruzami
Abdullah al-Ruzami
Abdullah Eida al-Ruzami is the military leader of Zaydi rebels who are fighting against the Government of Yemen, known as the Houthis.He cosigned a letter to the Yemeni government with Yahia Badreddin al Houthi, the rebels' spiritual leader, in May 2005 offering an end to the uprising if the...

, the rebels' military leader, in May 2005 offering an end to the uprising if the government would send emissaries or ended the military campaign against the rebels. "But if injustice continues with killing, destroying, and imprisonment... then the trouble will not be solved, but will become more complicated and the gap will become even wider." He was a Yemeni MP but was forced to go into hiding after the Yemeni government lifted his parliamentary immunity to try him for his involvement in the Houthi rebellion, he was then tried in absentia and on 5 February 2010 he was sentenced to 15 years imprisonment. He however did not go to jail as the Yemeni government had not captured him.
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