Waltham International SA
Waltham International SA was founded in 1954 in Lausanne, Switzerland, by the American Waltham Watch Company
Waltham Watch Company
The Waltham Watch Company, also known as the American Waltham Watch Co. and the American Watch Co., produced about 40 million high quality watches, clocks, speedometers, compasses, time fuses and other precision instruments between 1850 and 1957...

, Waltham, Massachusetts
Waltham, Massachusetts
Waltham is a city in Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States, was an early center for the labor movement, and major contributor to the American Industrial Revolution. The original home of the Boston Manufacturing Company, the city was a prototype for 19th century industrial city planning,...

, to provide the necessary watch and movement parts, which were not readily available in U.S.A.

Now located in Marin-Epagnier
Marin-Epagnier was a municipality in the district of Neuchâtel in the Swiss canton of Neuchâtel. On 1 January 2009, Marin-Epagnier and Thielle-Wavre merged to form the new municipality of La Tène....

/Neuchâtel, Switzerland, Waltham International SA manufacture Waltham luxury Swiss watches, furthering the spirit of excellence of the 1850 Waltham founders, since the U.S. parent company 1957 discontinued production of watches for the consumer market. Waltham's main market is Japan
Japan is an island nation in East Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of the Sea of Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south...

, through its distributor Heiwado & Co.

(Production of specialized clocks for aircraft continued in the original US factory until the parent company was finally sold in 1994. The new owners kept the Waltham name, but moved production to Ozark, Alabama, see Waltham Aircraft Clock Corporation
Waltham Aircraft Clock Corporation
Waltham Aircraft Clock Corporation is a company specializing in the manufacturing and maintenance of mechanical aircraft clocks, established in 1994 in Ozark, Alabama.-History:...


External links

External links About the History of Waltham

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