Umbrtka is a metal band from Plzeň, Czech Republic
Czech Republic
The Czech Republic is a landlocked country in Central Europe. The country is bordered by Poland to the northeast, Slovakia to the east, Austria to the south, and Germany to the west and northwest....

. The band describe their music, which incorporates black
Black metal
Black metal is an extreme subgenre of heavy metal music. Common traits include fast tempos, shrieked vocals, highly distorted guitars played with tremolo picking, blast beat drumming, raw recording, and unconventional song structure....

, doom
Doom metal
Doom metal is an extreme form of heavy metal music that typically uses slower tempos, low-tuned guitars and a much "thicker" or "heavier" sound than other metal genres...

, industrial metal
Industrial metal
Industrial metal is a musical genre that draws from industrial music and many different types of heavy metal, using repeating metal guitar riffs, sampling, synthesizer or sequencer lines, and distorted vocals. Founding industrial metal acts include Ministry, Godflesh, and KMFDM.Industrial metal's...

 elements and is influenced by Czech underground
The Plastic People of the Universe
The Plastic People of the Universe is a rock band from Prague, Czech Republic. It was the foremost representative of Prague's underground culture . This avant-garde group went against the grain of the Communist regime and due to its non-conformism often suffered serious problems such as arrests...

, as 'grey' metal. The main themes of their lyrics are deserted industrial areas, factories, power plants, railways, dirty streets, trains, and other industral elements.

'Umbrtka' is a name for a 'deity
A deity is a recognized preternatural or supernatural immortal being, who may be thought of as holy, divine, or sacred, held in high regard, and respected by believers....

' which rules the grey industrial world. It is based on a working-class man called Ivo Krátký, formerly employed in Skart, Plzeň's scrapyard which, within the band's lyrics, is considered a 'temple of labor'.


  • Zašpinit slunce (To Pollute the Sun) (2000)
  • Dělnický a bezdomovecký šedý metal (Worker's and Homeless Gray Metal ) (2001)
  • Kladivo pracuje na 110% procent (The Hammer Works at 110%) (2001)
  • Kovostroj plzeňských pánů práce (Metalmachine of Plzeň's Labour Lords) (2001)
  • Hymny šedé síly (Hymns of the Grey Force) (2002)
  • Ozvěny špíny (Echoes of Dirt) (2002)
  • Betonová opona (The Concrete Curtain) (2002)
  • Nad propastí dne (Above the Abyss of the Day) (2003)
  • Melša - Frank Zappa meets Darkthrone (2003)
  • The Hand of Nothingness (2003)
  • Paměti špinavé lávky (Memories of the Dirty Footbridge) (2005)
  • Lití podzimního asfaltu (The Casting of Autumn Asphalt) (2005)
  • Páně & Uhelná pánev (The Lord and the Coal Basin) (2008)
  • Úplná demontáž lidstva (The Complete Disassembly of Mankind) (2009)
  • Kovový háj (The Metal Grove) (2010)
  • IVO - Industriální Velké Obrození (The Great Industrial Renaissance) (2010)

External links

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