The Lucky Transfer
The Lucky Transfer is a 1915 short drama film
Drama film
A drama film is a film genre that depends mostly on in-depth development of realistic characters dealing with emotional themes. Dramatic themes such as alcoholism, drug addiction, infidelity, moral dilemmas, racial prejudice, religious intolerance, poverty, class divisions, violence against women...

 directed by Tod Browning
Tod Browning
Tod Browning was an American motion picture actor, director and screenwriter.Browning's career spanned the silent and talkie eras...

. It was Browning's debut film as a director.


  • Mary Alden
    Mary Alden
    Mary Maguire Alden was an American motion picture and stage actress. She was one of the first Broadway actresses to work in Hollywood.-Career:Born in New York City, Alden began her career on the Broadway stage...

     - Helen Holland
  • Tom Wilson
    Tom Wilson (actor)
    Tom Wilson was an American film actor. He appeared in 254 films between 1915 and 1963. He was born in Helena, Montana, and died in Los Angeles, California.-Selected filmography:* Little Marie...

     - Ford
  • Thomas Hull - Ransom
  • Vester Pegg
    Vester Pegg
    Vester Pegg was an American actor of the silent era. He appeared in 140 films between 1912 and 1941.He was born in Appleton City, Missouri and died in Los Angeles, California.-Selected filmography:...

     - The clerk
  • Margery Wilson - The little girl
  • Jack Hull - Jim Dodson
  • William Lowery
    William Lowery
    William Lowery was an American silent film actor. He was born in St. Louis, Missouri, and was signed by the Thanhouser Company in 1914. His first film was The Ten of Spades also starring William Garwood. He starred in about 60 films between 1914 and his retirement from film in 1927...

    - Fields, the detective
  • Sydney Lewis Ransome (as Doc Ransome)
  • William Hinckley (unconfirmed)
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