Tabrizi is a surname originating in Tabriz, Iran. It may refer to:
  • Homam-e Tabrizi
    Homam-e Tabrizi
    Homam-e Tabrizi or HOMĀM-AL-DIN B. ʿALĀʾ TABRIZI was an Persian poet of the Ilkhanid era. He was a follower of Saadi and his poetry was mostly in form of ghazal.-Biography:...

     (or Homamiddin ibni Ala-e Tabrizi), an Iranian poet
  • Jawad Tabrizi
    Jawad Tabrizi
    Ayatollah Mirza Jawad Tabrizi was an Iranian Twelver Shi'a Marja. He was born in Tabriz, Iran in 1926 AD . At 22 he moved to Qom and later to Najaf, Iraq until he was deported. He then moved back to Qom and was a teacher in the hawza of Qom until his death...

    , a 20th century Iranian Shia Marja
  • Kamal Tabrizi
    Kamal Tabrizi
    Kamal Tabrizi is an Iranian film director. He was born in Tehran . A newly released picture shows that he was as a photographer & reporter among the 1979 hostage takers at the U.S. embassy in Tehran.- Filmography as a director :-External links:...

    , an Iranian film director
  • Maqsud-Ali Tabrizi, a 17th century Iranian physician
  • Mir Ali Tabrizi
    Mir Ali Tabrizi
    Mir Ali Tabrizi also known as Mir Ali Heravi is distinguished Persian. The precision of tradition still allows for creativity, and there is a telling story of a famous Persian calligrapher, Mir Ali Tabrizi Mir Ali Tabrizi also known as Mir Ali Heravi (b. in Herat Afghanistan and d. in Tabriz in...

    , a 14th century Iranian calligraphist, to whom the invention of Nasta'liq calligraphy style is attributed
  • Mirza Abdul'Rahim Talibov Tabrizi
    Mirza Abdul'Rahim Talibov Tabrizi
    Mirzā Abdul'Rahim Tālibov Najjār Tabrizi was an Iranian Azerbaijani intellectual and social reformer. He was born in the Sorkhab district of Tabriz, Iran...

    , a 19th‑20th century Iranian intellectual and social reformer
  • Muhammad ibn Muhammad Tabrizi
    Muhammad ibn Muhammad Tabrizi
    Abu Abd Allah Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr ibn Muhammad Tabrizi was a thirteenth century Persian Muslim, known for his Arabic commentary on the twenty five propositions at the beginning of Book II of the Jewish philosopher Maimonides's Guide for the Perplexed, on which Maimonides then based his proof of...

    , a 13th century Persian Muslim commentator on Maimonides
  • Qatran Tabrizi
    Qatran Tabrizi
    Abū-Mansūr Qatrān-i Tabrīzī was a royal Persian poet.He was born in Sahar near Arrah, bihar Tabriz and was the most famous panegyrist of his time in Iran. His full name according to an old manuscript handwritten by the famous poet Anvari Abivardi is Abu Mansur Qatran al-Jili al-Azerbaijani...

    , a 9th century Iranian poet
  • Saib Tabrizi, a 17th century Iranian poet
  • Shams Tabrizi
    Shams Tabrizi
    Shams-i-Tabrīzī or Shams al-Din Mohammad was a Persian Muslim, who is credited as the spiritual instructor of Mewlānā Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Balkhi, also known as Rumi and is referenced with great reverence in Rumi’s poetic collection, in particular Diwan-i Shams-i Tabrīzī...

    , an 11th century Iranian Sufi mystic
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