Sirente crater
The Sirente crater is a small shallow seasonal lake in Abruzzo
Abruzzo is a region in Italy, its western border lying less than due east of Rome. Abruzzo borders the region of Marche to the north, Lazio to the west and south-west, Molise to the south-east, and the Adriatic Sea to the east...

, central Italy
Italy , officially the Italian Republic languages]] under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. In each of these, Italy's official name is as follows:;;;;;;;;), is a unitary parliamentary republic in South-Central Europe. To the north it borders France, Switzerland, Austria and...

. The lake is located at the center of the Prati del Sirente, a mountainous highland north of the Sirente massif in the Apennines
Apennine mountains
The Apennines or Apennine Mountains or Greek oros but just as often used alone as a noun. The ancient Greeks and Romans typically but not always used "mountain" in the singular to mean one or a range; thus, "the Apennine mountain" refers to the entire chain and is translated "the Apennine...

, 13 kilometres from the small village of Secinaro
Secinaro is a comune and town in the province of L'Aquila in the Abruzzo region of central Italy. It is located in the Aterno River valley, on the slopes of Monte Sirente....

. In the late 1990s, the peculiar appearance of the ridge drew the attention of geologist Jens Ormö, a Swedish impact crater
Impact crater
In the broadest sense, the term impact crater can be applied to any depression, natural or manmade, resulting from the high velocity impact of a projectile with a larger body...

 specialist. Ormö set up a research team (the Sirente Crater Group) together with two colleagues from the International Research School of Planetary Science of Pescara (IRSPS), Angelo Pio Rossi and Goro Komatsu. The lake was suggested to be just part of a larger crater field comprising about 30 individual depressions in the Sirente area. However, the "crater field" has recently been proposed to be the result of human activity.

Formation hypotheses

Many potential origins of the Sirente depressions have been suggested: impact crater, anthropogenic basin and mud volcano
Mud volcano
The term mud volcano or mud dome are used to refer to formations created by geo-excreted liquids and gases, although there are several different processes which may cause such activity. Hot water mixes with mud and surface deposits. Mud volcanoes are associated with subduction zones and about 700...


Meteorite impact

The Sirente Crater Group proposed a meteoric origin for this structure in the late 1990s and they went on updating their result for nearly a decade.

Mud volcano

In 2005, Francesco Stoppa of the Gabriele d'Annunzio University proposed as a responsible agent for the basin a rapid local emission of mud and/or water.

World War II bombing

Metallic fragments in great quantities have been sampled in the Sirente crater area. They proved to be fragments of exploded ordnance, such as bombs and grenades. Consequently WW II bombing was suggested as the craters origin.

Anthropogenic hypothesis

In 2004 a group of geologists led by Fabio Speranza working in the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia hypothesized that the lake basin was excavated by humans in order to collect natural water for livestock. This "shepherdogenic" hypothesis was proposed considering the lack of any evidence for impact shock in the area.
The nature of the depressions are now believed by Speranza et ali to be karstic or be the result of human activity combined with the action of natural karstic
Karst topography
Karst topography is a geologic formation shaped by the dissolution of a layer or layers of soluble bedrock, usually carbonate rock such as limestone or dolomite, but has also been documented for weathering resistant rocks like quartzite given the right conditions.Due to subterranean drainage, there...


Archaeology, Legends & History

Radiocarbon fixed the formation of the main crater within the late 4-th and the early 5-th century AD. At the age in question the Sirente territory was still controlled by the Roman municipium of Superaequum. In the fourth century AD a local Roman village (vicus) belonging to this municipium was suddenly abandoned, probably in consequence of a fire. A local Christian catacomb dating back to the same century reveals many cadavers that were probably piled-up in a hurried manner on occasion of some public calamity.

An impact generating a crater of the Sirente size would have been visible from a great distance as a strip of fire turning into a fireball, culminating in a pyrotechnic show of bolides. A similar eyewitness description is contained in a local Italian story toward the religious conversion from Paganism to Christianity. This oral legend was proposed as a possible historical recording of the impact event..

It was in the uproar hit the mountain and quartered the giant oaks announcing the violent arrival of the Goddess. A sudden and intense heat overwhelmed the people and a shout echoed all around, splitting the air with its trail of violence...

All of a sudden, over there, in the distance, in the sky, a new star, never seen before, bigger than the other ones, came nearer and nearer, appeared and disappeared behind the top of the eastern mountains. Peoples’ eyes looked at the strange light growing bigger and bigger. Soon the star shone as large as a new sun. An irresistible, dazzling light pervaded the sky. The oak leaves shuddered, discoloured, and curled up. The forest lost its sap. The Sirente was shaking. In a tremendous rumble the statue sank into a sudden chasm. The satyrs and the Bacchantes fell down senseless. A huge silence fell. It seemed as if time had stopped in the ancient wood near the temple at the foot of the Sirente, and it looked like the mountain had never existed. The entire valley became dumb. Not a breath of wind could be heard, nor a sheep bleating from the numerous herds, nor a rustle from the strong trees, nor a human sound.” “After an endless period of time, when stars shone in the sky without the moon, a new breeze came to stir the leaves; sheep were heard again and the Mountain was dressed in the light of a new dawn. Faint stars disappeared, blue sky slowly came back and the Sirente became a golden mountain in the first rays of the new sun. It looked like the Valley was full of roses. Newly awake, men listened closely to the death rattle of the Goddess at the foot of the wood; and then they saw the statue of the Madonna with the Holy Child in her arms who was sitting on a throne of light and was surrounded by light.

An interesting proximity in time and space between the Sirente impact and the famous vision of the emperor Constantine I
Constantine I
Constantine the Great , also known as Constantine I or Saint Constantine, was Roman Emperor from 306 to 337. Well known for being the first Roman emperor to convert to Christianity, Constantine and co-Emperor Licinius issued the Edict of Milan in 313, which proclaimed religious tolerance of all...

 was formerly noted by Jens Ormö, as Constantine camped nearby before the battle of the Milvian Bridge. Though a coincidence between the two events can't be confirmed, media widely speculated the hypothesis the Sirente impact might have been witnessed and mistaken for a divine vision by the emperor.

He said that about noon, when the day was already beginning to decline, he saw with his own eyes the trophy of a cross of light in the heavens, above the sun, and bearing the inscription, Conquer by this. At this sight he himself was struck with amazement, and his whole army also, which followed him on this expedition, and witnessed the miracle. Eusebius, Life of the Emperor Constantine

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