Silves Castle
Silves Castle is located in the city of Silves
Silves is a town and a municipality in the Algarve, southern Portugal. The city has a population of 10,800 inhabitants and the municipality reaches 33,830 . The municipality of Silves is part of the district of Faro...

, in the region of Algarve, in Southern Portugal
Portugal , officially the Portuguese Republic is a country situated in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula. Portugal is the westernmost country of Europe, and is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the West and South and by Spain to the North and East. The Atlantic archipelagos of the...

. Silves Castle was built between the 8th and the 13th century AD and is considered to be the best preserved of the Moorish castles of the country.

History:"The hill on which stands the Castle of Silves evidence of vestiges of a place of worship Visigothic (VI-VII century) as confirmed by the testimonies Umayyad period (VIII-IX century) such an important building of quadrangular espolio and varied. During the Caliphate period (X century) began the building of the defenses, that can be seen today, the notably extensive walls facing the west, later amended. The constructions of the Taifa kingdom ( XI century), there remains the famous Palace of balconies, where the Prince Al-Mutamid lived as the poet Ibn Amarhe.

The walls and towers that make up the Castle of Silves are mainly the result of major campaigns and works by Almoravides Amoadas ( XII-XIII century) which was followed by others made during the first two dynasties and subsequent restoration.

Silves Castle is the most important Islamic fortification of the current national territory, and was ranked in 1910, a national monument.
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