Siege of Homs
The Siege of Homs is a military operation being conducted by the Syrian military
Military of Syria
The Syrian Armed Forces are the military forces of Syria. They consist of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Air Defense Force.-Manpower:The President of Syria is the commander in chief of the Syrian armed forces, comprising some 646,500 troops upon mobilization. The military is a conscripted force;...

 in the city of Homs
Homs , previously known as Emesa , is a city in western Syria and the capital of the Homs Governorate. It is above sea level and is located north of Damascus...

 against what the government calls terrorist groups. The Syrian opposition however have called it a crackdown against pro-democracy protestors. Still, starting in October, street fighting erupted between the security forces and the so-called Free Syrian Army
Free Syrian Army
The Free Syrian Army is the main opposition army group in Syria. It is composed of defected Syrian Armed Forces personnel, who have been active during the 2011 Syrian uprising...



On 15 March, a protest movement against the Syrian government began to escalate, as simultaneous demonstrations took place in major cities across Syria. On 18 March, the most serious unrest to take place in Syria for decades erupted. After online calls for a "Friday of Dignity" , after Friday prayers, thousands of protesters demanding an end to alleged government corruption took to the streets of cities across Syria. The protesters were met with violent opposition by state security forces. The protesters chanted "God, Syria, Freedom" and anti-corruption slogans.

The Siege

On 6 May, following the successful operation against protestors in Daraa
Siege of Daraa
The Siege of Daraa was a military operation, conducted by the Syrian military, in the city of Daraa against what the government called terrorist groups, while the opposition called it a crackdown against pro-democracy protestors.-Background:...

, the Syrian military confronted and clashed with protesters, after Friday prayers, in Homs. During the fighting 15 protesters were killed, according to the opposition, while the government stated that 11 soldiers and policemen were killed, including five at one checkpoint, after they were attacked by unknown gunmen. The following day, an operation was started
Siege of Baniyas
The Siege of Baniyas was a military operation conducted by the Syrian military in the city of Baniyas against what the government calls terrorist groups, while the opposition called it a crackdown against pro-democracy protestors.-Background:...

 in another protester stronghold, the town of Baniyas. On 8 May, following the deadly clashes two days before, tanks rolled into several districts of Homs and started a man hunt for all known opposition activists and supporters. The night before the start of the operation, the military cut electricity to the city. During the assault, Army units entered the districts of Bab Baba and Sebaa Amr.

On 8 May, unidentified gunmen attacked a bus, carrying workers who were returning from work in Lebanon to Homs, killing 10 people and wounding three.

By 10 May, total control was established over the city by the military. However, the next morning, tank and machine gun fire was heard in the Bab Amr district of Homs and some nearby villages. Five to nine people were reported to had been killed in the clashes.

On 12 May, it was reported that security forces arrested a veteran human rights campaigner, Naji Tayara. An unidentified source, quoted on the Syria Comment website, stated that the wast majority of Homs was against the protests and that the unrest was led by two or three tribes. This was partially confirmed with the fact that Bedouin villages in the area were also targeted by the military operation.

On 20 May anti-Assad protests were met with machine gun fire from security forces leaving 11 people dead. One week later, on 27 May, another protest was attempted by the opposition. This was again suppressed by the military in clashes that left 3 people dead. On 30 May, seven protestors and one member of the security forces were killed in clashes in Homs. On 17 July 2011, a large military operation was launched by the Syrian Army. The tanks violently bombed the city, raising questions about what is going on between the Sunni and the Alawites. The victims of the siege of numbered more than 40 people.

On 29 August, there was further reports of violence and machine gun fire following unconfirmed reports of Syrian Army defections in the area.

All through September and October there were reported clashes in the Northern section of the city especially the neighborhood of Dayr Ba'alba. There was also occasional violence in Bab al-Sebaa, Baba Amr and other places.

On the night of 28 October, fierce clashes involving the Free Syrian Army
Free Syrian Army
The Free Syrian Army is the main opposition army group in Syria. It is composed of defected Syrian Armed Forces personnel, who have been active during the 2011 Syrian uprising...

broke out in Bab al-Sebaa. The next day, these clashes spread to Baba Amr and al-Qusur. During the street fighting in Bab al-Sebaa district 17 soldiers were killed, while in Baba Amr 20 soldiers were killed and 53 wounded.

On 3 November, tanks opened fire on the Baba Amr district, where the soldiers were killed several days before. More than 100 people, including civilians, were reportedly killed by the next day.

On 8 November, it was reported that the Syrian Army took firm control of the Bab Amr quarter in Homs and that the armed defectors went into hiding. However, they apparently came back when the regime troops withdrew and are now there in force in areas the government does not control.
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