ShoreTel is a company based in Sunnyvale, CA. They are a provider of commercial, closed-source VoIP products. Current implementations of ShoreTel systems include telephone
The telephone , colloquially referred to as a phone, is a telecommunications device that transmits and receives sounds, usually the human voice. Telephones are a point-to-point communication system whose most basic function is to allow two people separated by large distances to talk to each other...

 handsets, as well as voicemail
Voicemail is a computer based system that allows users and subscribers to exchange personal voice messages; to select and deliver voice information; and to process transactions relating to individuals, organizations, products and services, using an ordinary telephone...

 servers, switching hardware, analog phone outputs, and other telecommunications-related hardware and software.


ShoreTel was founded in 1996 by Edwin Basart. ShoreTel's Unified Communication solution is based on a distributed architecture with a single image for administration. While traditional TDM
Time-division multiplexing
Time-division multiplexing is a type of digital multiplexing in which two or more bit streams or signals are transferred apparently simultaneously as sub-channels in one communication channel, but are physically taking turns on the channel. The time domain is divided into several recurrent...

 systems or competitor VoIP solutions require 2N redundancy, ShoreTel accomplishes redundancy at N+1 by balancing the load on their voice appliances. Their ShoreGear appliances do not have any spinning media or hard drive, and instead uses embedded flash memory. The ShoreGear appliance runs on VxWorks or Linux. The distributed architecture is built with no single point of failure
Single point of failure
A single point of failure is a part of a system that, if it fails, will stop the entire system from working. They are undesirable in any system with a goal of high availability or reliability, be it a business practice, software application, or other industrial system.-Overview:Systems can be made...


ShoreTel primarily sells and markets their product through channel partners, including Tier 1 carriers such as AT&T, Verizon and Qwest in North America, and third party suppliers in Australia. Over 700 communication providers sell ShoreTel solutions in over 28 countries around the world. ShoreTel has over 16,000 customers around the world, including the San Francisco Giants
San Francisco Giants
The San Francisco Giants are a Major League Baseball team based in San Francisco, California, playing in the National League West Division....

 at AT&T Park
AT&T Park
AT&T Park is a ballpark located in the South Beach neighborhood of San Francisco, California. Located at 24 Willie Mays Plaza, at the corner of Third and King Streets, it has served as the home of the San Francisco Giants of Major League Baseball since 2000....

, and the City of Oakland
Oakland, California
Oakland is a major West Coast port city on San Francisco Bay in the U.S. state of California. It is the eighth-largest city in the state with a 2010 population of 390,724...



On October 21, 2010, ShoreTel announced the acquisition of Santa Clara, California
Santa Clara, California
Santa Clara , founded in 1777 and incorporated in 1852, is a city in Santa Clara County, in the U.S. state of California. The city is the site of the eighth of 21 California missions, Mission Santa Clara de Asís, and was named after the mission. The Mission and Mission Gardens are located on the...

based platform-agnostic enterprise mobility provider, Agito Networks for approximately $11.4 million.

External links

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