Rana Wira Kerma
Paduka Sri Rana Wira Kerma (Rana Vira Vikrama Diraja) was the eldest son of Pekerma Wira
Pekerma Wira
According to Sejarah Melayu, Paduka Sri Pekerma Wira Diraja was the eldest son of Sang Nila Utama and the second Raja of Singapura. He was known as Raja Kecil Besar before his accession and married to an Indian princess named Nila Panjadi. His reign was from 1372 to 1386.-References:...

 with his wife Nila Panjadi, and the third Raja
Raja is an Indian term for a monarch, or princely ruler of the Kshatriya varna...

 of Singapura. He was known as Raja Muda before his accession and married to a daughter of Bendahara
Bendahara is an administrative position within classical Malay kingdoms before the intervention of European powers during the 19th century. A bendahara was appointed by a sultan and was a hereditary post. It was the office that is held by bendahara family...

 Tun Perpatih Muka Berjajar . His reign was from 1386 to 1399.
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